Page 1 - Sports Energy News, Cornwall, Issue No 33
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Volume 4 Issue No.33
Sports Energy
Sports Energy
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Sports Energy
Sports Energy
Sports Energy
Greater Cornwall & Areas Community Sports Newspaper
Like father, like son, Pearsons enjoy draft success
By Todd Anderson
Sports Energy
ornwall native Chase Pearson was
Cback in the area last month to visit
with family and friends, and celebrate
name called by the Detroit Red Wings at
Dessert some big news. The 18-year-old had his
Greater Cornwall & Areas Community Sports Newspaper
the 2015 NHL Entry Draft in July when
he was selected in the fifth round, 140th
Pearson was accompanied by a large
cast of supporters in attendance during
Open Cheeseburger $ the Florida event, where he followed in
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til 11 pm
Meal Deal 6
his father’s footsteps. Scott Pearson was
drafted in the first round, sixth overall, in
1988 by the Toronto Maple Leafs.
1307 Pitt St. (corner of 13th) Cornwall
“It was pretty cool to be there,”
says the lanky teen who dubs himself
a responsible two-way forward who
can chip in offensively and takes care
Greater Cornwall & Areas Community Sports Newspaper
of his own end of the ice defensively. Chase Pearson took time to relax at his family cottage on the shores
“I can’t describe how it felt to hear my of the St. Lawrence River in Long Sault in July. The Cornwall native
name being called. I worked hard my was drafted by the Detroit Red Wings in the fifth round, 140th overall,
whole life for that moment. It was really
earlier this summer. Photo: Todd Anderson
exciting for me.” competition as he goes up the ladder. For the former Huron Hockey School in
- Design
Sports Energy
Chase’s father Scott says it is exciting
times for the family right now, however,
him, it’s about training and preparing Cornwall.
- Printing
he knows only the first step has been
each day.”
“I try to absorb as much information
achieved. “It was pretty humbling to
- Binding
The knowledge and experience as I can,” says Chase. “He’s given me
be a part of the (draft) experience. To
Chase can gain from his father is a good advice, on and off the ice. Not a
- Finishing
memories when I was his age. I’m proud
elder Pearson have 292 games of NHL their disposal. He wants me to go as far
Greater Cornwall & Areas Community Sports Newspaper
of him. He worked hard to be here. I try
3308 Second St. East, Cornwall, ON sit in the stands, it brought back a lot of rare commodity. Not only does the lot of guys have this type of thing at
3308 Second St. East, Cornwall, ON
experience under his belt, he also has as I can. He’s been a really good coach
613.932.9281 to keep him grounded. He was drafted, over two decades of experience as to me all of these years. It’s pretty neat now he has his foot in the door. The an instructor and coach for various we were both drafted by Original Six bulk of the work is coming in the future teams, programs, and camps, including
though. There’s so much parity. So much Continued on page 7
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